Cheri Lucas

Cheri Lucas

Cheri Lucas has become an internationally recognized canine behavior specialist and speaker, spreading a message of hope to dog owners struggling with behavior issues from fear and aggression to fixation and separation anxiety. Her methods are gentle, intuitive and effective, teaching dog owners to unleash the strong, assertive leader inside of them..

Mentorship Program WITH CHERI LUCAS

Templeton CA November 2014

I learned how to:
  • Properly evaluate a dog; developing a custom training strategy for them and how to help them be successful
  • Assess a dog’s physical and/or psychological needs to assist them in moving forward.
  • Develop a balanced pack to assist in rehabilitating dogs that have not been properly socialized.
  • Safely integrate a troubled dog into a pack.
  • Master long line leash techniques
  • Properly use the ‘place’ command
  • Crate train a dog
  • Properly and safely use a remote color – the basic fundamentals of remote collar training

Find out more about Cheri Lucas on her website.